
Python Programming


Introduction to Python

What is Python? Why Python?


Features – Dynamic, Interpreted, Object oriented, Embeddable, Extensible, Large standard libraries, Free and Open source Why Python is General Language?

Limitations of Python

Python Language Fundamentals


Identifiers variables Data types Python VS JAVA Python Syntax


Arithmetic Operators Comparison Operators Python Assignment Operators Logical Operators

Bitwise Operators

Shift operators Membership Operators Identity Operator


What is string

Representation of Strings Processing elements using indexing. Processing elements using Iterators.

Manipulation of String using Indexing and Slicing.

String operators Methods of String object String Formatting. String functions String Immutability.

List Collection

What is List

Need of List collection Different ways of creating List List comprehension Processing elements of List through Indexing and Slicing

List object methods List is Mutable Mutable and Immutable elements of List Nested Lists List_of_lists


Tuple Collection

What is tuple?

Different ways of creating Tuple Method of Tuple object Tuple is Immutable

Mutable and Immutable elements of Tuple Process tuple through Indexing and Slicing List v/s Tuple

Set Collection

What is set?

Different ways of creating set Difference between list and set Accessing elements of set Python Set Methods

Python Set Operations Union of sets functions and methods of set Python Frozen set

Difference between set and frozenset ?


Dictionary Collection

What is dictionary?

Difference between list, set and dictionary

How to create a dictionary? Accessing values of dictionary Python Dictionary Methods Copying dictionary

Updating Dictionary

Reading keys from Dictionary Reading values from Dictionary Reading items from Dictionary Delete Keys from the dictionary Sorting the Dictionary

Python Dictionary Functions and methods



What is Function? Advantages of functions Syntax and Writing function Calling or Invoking function Classification of Functions Lambda functions/Anonymous functions

map() filter() reduce()

Non local variables, global variables



Python Modules

Importance of modular programming What is module

Types of Modules – Pre defined, User defined.

User defined modules creation Functions based modules Import module

From ... import



Procedural v/s Object oriented programming Principles of OOP – Encapsulation , Abstraction (Data Hiding)

Classes and Objects

How to define class in python

Types of variables – instance variables, class variables.

Types of methods – instance methods, class method, static method self’ reference variable Encapsulation(Data Binding) What is polymorphism?


i) Method overriding ii)Constructor overriding Overloading iii)Method Overloading iv)Constructor Overloading inheritance – single , multi level, multiple,

hierarchical and

hybrid inheritance and Diamond inheritance Constructors in inheritance

Object class super() Abstraction


Exception Handling

Types of Errors What is Exception?

Why exception handling? Syntax error v/s Runtime error Try with multi except

Handling multiple exceptions with single except block Finally block

Try-except-finally Try with finally Raise keyword

Custom exceptions / User defined exceptions Need to Custom exception


Introduction to Web Development

Overview of Web Development Understanding Web Browsers Web Development Languages

Setting up a Development Environment

HTML Basics

Introduction to HTML

HTML Elements and Attributes HTML Tags

HTML Forms


CSS Basics

Introduction to CSS CSS Selectors

CSS Properties and Values CSS Box Model


JavaScript Basics

Introduction to JavaScript

Variables, Data Types, and Operators Conditional statements

Functions and Objects


Web Development with Python

Python Web Frameworks

Integrating Databases into Web Applications Creating a Web Application with Python Deploying a Web Application

Numpy Module

Introduction to Numpy Arrays in Numpy

Indexing and Slicing in Numpy Basic Operations in Numpy Math Functions in Numpy Statistics in Numpy

Random Number Generation in Numpy


Pandas Module

Introduction to Pandas Series in Pandas DataFrames in Pandas Data Cleaning in Pandas

Data Manipulation in Pandas Data Aggregation in Pandas

Merging, Joining, and Concatenating DataFrames in Pandas






Introduction to Matplotlib Basic Plotting with Matplotlib Customizing Plots in Matplotlib Subplots in Matplotlib

Advanced Plotting with Matplotlib Saving Plots in Matplotlib